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(2016-2020) PELD - Long Term Ecological Research



(2021-2023) Consequences of defaunation on plant diversity and ecosystem services in the Amazon Forest

In this research, we seek to better understand the role of medium and large mammals in maintaining plant diversity and associated ecological processes. For this, we experimentally excluded medium and large mammals in plots in Flona do Tapajós. The research is developed in partnership between Ufopa and Unicamp. The project is funded by FAPESPA and FAPESP.

Coordination: Rodrigo Fadini, Mathias Pires. Other researchers: Carlos Brocardo, Arlison Castro, Clarissa Rosa, José Luís Camargo, Mauro Galetti.


(2018-2023) Monitoring of Medium and Large Terrestrial Mammals in the Tapajós National Forest

Nós temos monitorado os vertebrados terrestres de médio e grande porte usando armadilhas fotográficas ao longo de um gradiente de florestas prístinas e manejadas na Floresta Nacional do Tapajós. O projeto é parte do Programa Nacional de Cooperação Acadêmica na Amazônia - Procad-Amazônia, que é financiado pela CAPES. O projeto tem apoio do Instituto Neotropical ( e, recentemente, da Cooperativa Mista da Flona do Tapajós. O projeto passou a incluir áreas que serão manejadas pela Cooperativa, para entendermos como as atividades de extração madeireira afetam a fauna.

Coordenação: Rodrigo Fadini (Ufopa), com parceria de José Júlio Toleto (Unifap) e Igor Kaefer (UFAM). Outros pesquisadores: Rodrigo Fadini, Carlos Brocardo, Arlison Castro, Dian Rosa, Clarissa Rosa.


(2021-2023) Consequences of defaunation on plant diversity and ecosystem services in the Amazon Forest

In this research, we seek to better understand the role of medium and large mammals in maintaining plant diversity and associated ecological processes. For this, we experimentally excluded medium and large mammals in plots in Flona do Tapajós. The research is developed in partnership between Ufopa and Unicamp. The project is funded by FAPESPA and FAPESP.

Coordination: Rodrigo Fadini, Mathias Pires. Other researchers: Carlos Brocardo, Arlison Castro, Clarissa Rosa, José Luís Camargo, Mauro Galetti.

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