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Peer-reviewed articles

FADINI, RF; Brocard, CR; Rose, C.; Aragon, SC; Lima, AP; Magnusson, WE 2021. Long-term standardized ecological research in an Amazonian savanna: a laboratory under threat. Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences 93 (suppl 4) . IT HURTS:


Rose, DC; Brocard, CR; Rose, C.; Castro, AB; Norris, D.; FADINI, RF 2021.  Species-rich but defaunated: the case of medium and large-bodied mammals in a sustainable use protected area in the Amazon. Acta Amazonica. [ link ]


Castro, AB; Bobrowiec, PED; Castro, SJ; Rodrigues, LRR; FADINI, RF 2021. Influence of reduced-impact logging on Central Amazonian bats using a before-after-control-impact design. Animal Conservation xx:xx-xx.  [ link ]


Souza, E.; Lima, AP; Magnusson, WE; Kawashita-Ribeiro, RA; Fadini, RF; Guizoni, I.; Greed, P.; De Fraga, R. Short and long-term effects of fire and vegetation cover on four lizard species in Amazonian savannas. Canadian Journal of Zoology. [ link ]


Watson, DM; Cook, M.; Fadini, RF 2020. Towards best-practice management of mistletoes in horticulture. Botany 98(9): 489-498. [ link ]


Lima, MJ; Castro, AB; Lima, AP; Magnusson, WE; Landeiro, VL; Fadini, RF 2020. Influence of the burning regime on the richness and floristic composition of an isolated savanna in the Amazon - PELD West Pará. Oecologia Australis, 24(2):301-316. [ link ]  


France, F.; Ferreira, J.; Vaz de Melo, F.; Maia, L.; Berenguer, E.; Palm tree, AF; Fadini, RF; Louzada, J.; Braga, R.; Oliveira, V.; Barlow, J. 2020. El Niño impacts on human-modified tropical forests: consequences for dung beetle diversity and associated ecological processes. Biotropica, 52(2):252-262. [ link ]


Fadini, SRMC; Barbosa, RI; Rode, R.; Correa, V.; Fadini, RF 2020. Above-ground biomass estimation for a shrubby mistletoe in an Amazonian savanna. Journal of Tropical Ecology, 36(1): 6-12[ link ]


Fadini, RF; Fischer, E.; Castro, SJ; Araújo, AC Ornelas, JF & de Souza, PR 2018. Bat and bee pollination in Psittacanthus mistletoes, a genus as exclusively hummingbird-pollinated. Ecology [ link ]. [We were cover!]


Fadini, RF; Fernandes, GW 2017. Brazil's scientists and churches share goals. Science, v. 358, 6360, p. 179-180. [ link ]. Click  here  to read a Portuguese version of the publication.


da Silva, FP & Fadini, RF 2017. Observational and experimental evaluation of hemiparasite-resistance in trees in the urban afforestation of Santarém, Pará, Brazil. Acta Amazonica 47(4): 311-320. [ link ]


Lira, J.; Caires, CS; Fadini, RF 2017. Reaching the canopy on the ground: incidence of infection and host use by mistletoes (Loranthaceae and Viscaceae) on trees felled for timber in Amazonian rainforests. Plant Ecology, 218: 251-263. Doi: 10.1007/s11258-016-0683-9 [ link ].


Fadini, RF; Cintra, R. 2015. Modeling occupancy of hosts by mistletoe seeds after accounting for imperfect detectability. Plos One 10(5): e012704.  [link]


Fadini, RF; Garcia, AM; Ghizoni, LP 2014. A Host Creates an Enemy-free Space for Mistletoes by Reducing Seed Predation Caused by a Woodboring Beetle: A Hypothesis. Biotropica (Lawrence, KS), v. 46, p. 260-263.  [link]


Galetti. ; Guevara, R.; Cuts, MC ; Fadini, R.; von Matter, S.; Milk, AB; Labecca, F.; Ribeiro, T.; Carvalho, CS; Collevati, RG; Saucer, MM; Guimaraes, PR; Brancalion, PH; Ribeiro, MC; Jordano, P. 2013. Functional Extinction of Birds Drives Rapid Evolutionary Changes in Seed Size. Science (New York, NY), v. 340, p. 1086-1090.  [link]


Fadini, RF; Castro, AB 2013. Subterranean Watercourses may -Rescue Seeds Dispersed by Fruit-Eating Bats in Caves. Acta Chiropterologica, v. 15, p. 105-112.  [link]


Fadini, RF; Lima, Albertina P. 2012. Fire and Host Abundance as Determinants of the Distribution of Three Congener and Sympatric Mistletoes in an Amazonian Savanna. Biotropica (Lawrence, KS), v. 44, p. 27-34.  [link]


Arruda, RS; Fadini, RF; Carvalho, LN; Del-Claro, K.; Mourão, FA ; Jacobi, CM; Teodoro, GS; van den Berg, E.; Caires, CS; Dettke, GA 2012. Ecology of neotropical mistletoes: an important canopy-dwelling component of Brazilian ecosystems. Acta Botanica Brasílica (Printed), v. 26, p. 264-274.  [link]


Fadini, RF 2011. Non-overlap of hosts used by three congeneric and sympatric loranthaceous mistletoe species in an Amazonian savanna: host generalization to extreme specialization. Acta Botanica Brasílica (Printed), v. 25, p. 337-345.  [link]


Fadini, RF; Fleury, Marina; Donatti, Camila I.; Galetti, M. 2009. Effects of frugivore impoverishment and seed predators on the recruitment of a keystone palm. Acta Oecologica (Montrouge), v. 35, p. 188-196.  [link]


Galetti, Mauro; Bovendorp, Ricardo S.; Fadini, Rodrigo F.; Gussoni, Carlos OA; Rodrigues, Marcos; Alvarez, Ariane D.; Guimarães Jr, Paulo R.; Alves, K. 2009. Hyper abundant mesopredators and bird extinction in an Atlantic forest island. Brazilian Journal of Zoology, vol. 26, p. 288-298.  [link]


Fadini, RF; Gonçalves, Danielly Caroline Miléo ; Reis, Rúbia Patrícia Fernandes. 2009. Consistency in seed-deposition patterns and the distribution of mistletoes among its host trees in an Amazonian savanna. Australian Journal of Botany (Print), v. 57, p. 640.  [link]


Fadini, RF; Marco Jr., P. 2004. Interactions between frugivorous birds and plants in an Atlantic Forest fragment in Minas Gerais. Ararajuba (Rio de Janeiro), v. 12, n.2, p. 15-21.  [link]

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